Dear Dr. David,
Praised and thank God for His kindness that he sent you to help in sponsoring the birthing program at Muder Ignacia Hospital. Muder Ignacia Hospital family would like to thank you for your attention, support and generosity in helping us bring a better care towards the patients in our hospital, by sponsoring birthing mothers.
Muder Ignacia Hospital is a social hospital that provides healthcare mostly to the unfortunate communities of SOE who came from economically-challenged background and living in rural, remote areas. We are beyond blessed, happy and grateful for sponsoring the birthing mother and we believe that patients of Muder Ignacia hospital along with their families grateful and thanking you for your generous heart to release them from their financial problem. We are hoping that this generous sponsorship is an establishing of a familial relationship between you and the families of Muder Ignacia Hospital that is sustainable in the future.
We can only return your kindness by praying to God to bless you and all your endeavours and provide you with good health so that you can keep being a channel of blessing for those who are in need.
Thank you very much and God bless you and the family.
Greetings in the love of God
Ma. Bernadete Letek Leton, RVM
Hospital In-Charge